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In our shop you will find our furniture of the highest quality with carefully selected materials - built by our carpenters on Gotland since 1997.

GAD outlet summer 2023

Outlet summer 2023

The outlet store in Västergarn will be open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 10-16 between 29 June - 18 August. There will also be sales of some selected furniture here on the website.

You can find the products here if you want to order directly via the website.

The range consists of furniture that we manufacture in an artisanal way here on Gotland, in massive natural materials of the highest quality. The furniture may have minor cosmetic defects from manufacturing, may be exhibition specimens from our stores or belong to an expired assortment.

Find here
The outlet store is located just north of Västergarn church along road 140. The entrance is signposted when we are open.

In addition to GAD, there are also several other exciting places to visit in Västergarn, which is right by the sea and is well worth a trip! Our neighbor Ammor farm, for example, will have its farm shop open. Here you will find locally produced food and other products.

Payment and shipping
Payment takes place immediately upon purchase. If you need shipping of your furniture, it will be done with a shipping company to the street address/lot boundary/port, at the following price:

Gotland: SEK 650
Stockholm: SEK 950
Stockholm with contribution: SEK 1,350
Other Sweden: SEK 950 (no contribution)

G.A.D outlet sommaren 2024
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